A selection of stories, podcasts and interviews that look at the foundations and innovators fuelling ecosystem restoration and environmental education with the support of the PET plastic industry.

Rivers Ecosystem Restoration

With 80% of ocean plastic originating from over 1,000 rivers, managing existing pressures on these systems is key to improving the quality of life for those living along their shores.

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PET’s Central Role in Reuse Systems

Reuse, reduce and recycle is the popular mantra and PET’s place at the center of a complex mix of closed loop recycling and reuse systems is a key part in the material’s transition to a greener future.

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Working With Water

Nanoresonance Industries co-founders Athan Bloom and Dr Ekaterina Markelova are exploring how better water holds the key to many of the world’s most pressing problems including reducing the environmental footprint of the polymers industry.

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People, Planet, Place, PET

In the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, the focus needs to shift to how industry and societies can help regenerate some of the world’s most fragile ecosystems and how PET polymers can do more to support people and the planet.

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If you are working to close the loop on plastic waste and have a story worth telling to our audience of thought leaders, change makers, social entrepreneurs and innovators please reach out to our editorial team.