A selection of stories, podcasts and interviews that look at the foundations and innovators fuelling ecosystem restoration and environmental education with the support of the PET plastic industry.

The Investment Funds Betting on Plastic Circularity
A growing group of powerful investment funds have spotted an opportunity to finance the transition to full circularity, backing the solutions that will close the loop on plastic waste.

PET-powered Oceans Ecosystem Restoration
Meet the PET-powered Marine and Ocean Ecosystem Restoration schemes that are pulling plastic out of our oceans and raising awareness of the issue around the world.

Rivers Ecosystem Restoration
With 80% of ocean plastic originating from over 1,000 rivers, managing existing pressures on these systems is key to improving the quality of life for those living along their shores.

Coastal Wetlands Ecosystem Restoration
Coastal wetlands have come under severe pressure and restoring mangroves, salt marshes, and seagrasses are critical as a solution to global warming.

Coral Reef Ecosystem Restoration
We lost the equivalent of all the living coral in Australia in the last decade. PET plastic is now being used to restore these fragile ecosystems.

PET and Soil Restoration Initiatives
We all need to help regenerate the world’s most fragile ecosystems. How can PET do more to support soil restoration?

PET’s Central Role in Reuse Systems
Reuse, reduce and recycle is the popular mantra and PET’s place at the center of a complex mix of closed loop recycling and reuse systems is a key part in the material’s transition to a greener future.

Working With Water
Nanoresonance Industries co-founders Athan Bloom and Dr Ekaterina Markelova are exploring how better water holds the key to many of the world’s most pressing problems including reducing the environmental footprint of the polymers industry.

Giving Plastic a Second Life with a Plastic Offsetting First
Social entrepreneur Tristan Lecomte’s pioneering plastic offsetting initiative in Thailand, Second Life, has opened the gates for beach cleanup operations in the countries worst affected by plastic waste.

People, Planet, Place, PET
In the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, the focus needs to shift to how industry and societies can help regenerate some of the world’s most fragile ecosystems and how PET polymers can do more to support people and the planet.
THE POWER OF SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURS A selection of stories, podcasts and interviews that find inspiration in the work and creativity of businesses
TRANSFORMATIVE TECHNOLOGY A selection of stories, podcasts and interviews discussing the technologies that are closing the loop on plastic waste and shifting
THE REGENERATIVE PATH OF PET A selection of stories, podcasts and interviews showcasing the thought leaders embracing complexity and taking the industry
FOCUS ON REGULATION A selection of stories, podcasts and interviews that showcase and explain the latest updates and success stories from the
RE-DESIGNING DESIGN A selection of stories, podcasts and interviews celebrating the clever designers re-drawing the way the PET polymers and food packaging
THE WORLD OF WASTE COLLECTORS A selection of stories, podcasts and interviews with the unsung heroes of the PET value chain. The